About me

I specialized in character evolution and the systematics of the family Cyperaceae (mainly focusing on Carex), although I have also worked with bryophytes. I have collaborated in research articles involving different aspects such as phylogeographic, systematics/taxonomy, chromosomal or conservation purposes. I have participated in fieldwork and plant collection campaigns within the Iberian Peninsula (Central System, Pyrenees, southern Spain and Portugal) and abroad (La Réunion -Mascarene islands-, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Madagascar, the United Kingdom and Ireland). I am coauthor of 29 papers (24 in international high-impact journals), three book chapters and four books. I have also contributed as a reviewer of 16 high-impact journal manuscripts, together with 2 IUCN Red List revisions. Concerning popular science, it is worth mentioning the publication of the book “Guía de campo de las ciperáceas de España y Portugal” [“Field guide of Spanish and Portuguese sedges (Cyperaceae)”], as well as the organization of the “First Bioblitz of the Spanish Flora” along with workshops at different institutions. Regarding teaching, I lectured at Universidad Pablo de Olavide (18.7 ECTS up to date) in Botany, Conservation Biology and Ecological Restoration, and also mentored several interns and end-of-degree projects of BSc students in the Botany area.

My observations