

Phylogeny of Southeast Asian Mapania (Cyperaceae: Mapanioideae) using chloroplast sequence data

Shabdin Z, Márquez-Corro JI, Larridon I, Simpson DA, Culham A. 2025. "Phylogeny of Southeast Asian Mapania (Cyperaceae: Mapanioideae) using chloroplast sequence data" Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 000: 000-000. doi:10.1093/botlinnean/boaf001


Macroevolutionary inference of complex modes of chromosomal speciation in a cosmopolitan plant lineage

Tribble CM, Márquez-Corro JI, May MR, Hipp AL, Escudero M, Zenil-Ferguson R. 2024. "Macroevolutionary inference of complex modes of chromosomal speciation in a cosmopolitan plant lineage" New Phytologist xx: xxx-xxx. doi:10.1111/nph.20353

The genome sequence of common vervain, Verbena officinalis L. (Verbenaceae)

Christenhusz MJM, Leitch IJ, Márquez-Corro JI, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Genome Acquisition Lab, Plant Genome Sizing collective, Darwin Tree of Life Barcoding collective, Wellcome Sanger Institute Tree of Life Management, Samples and Laboratory team, Wellcome Sanger Institute Scientific Operations: Sequencing Operations, Wellcome Sanger Institute Tree of Life Core Informatics team, Tree of Life Core Informatics collective, Darwin Tree of Life Consortium. 2024. "The genome sequence of common vervain, Verbena officinalis L. (Verbenaceae)" Wellcome Open Research 9: 612. doi:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.23188.1

The 2030 Declaration on Scientific Plant and Fungal Collecting

Antonelli A, Teisher JK, Smith RJ, Ainsworth AM, Furci G, Gaya E, Gonçalves SC, Hawksworth DL, Larridon I, Sessa EB, Simões AR, Suz LM, Acedo C, Aghayeva DN, Agorini AA, Al Harthy LS, Bacon KL, Chávez-Hernández MG, Colli-Silva M, Crosier J, Davey AH, Silva J, Govaerts RHA, Grace OM, Gudžinskas Z, Hailemikael TG, Ibadullayeva SJ, Idohou R, Márquez-Corro JI, Müller SP, Negrão R, Ondo I, Paton AJ, Pellegrini MOO, Penneys DS, Pironon S, Rafidimanana D, Silvestro D, Simmonds MSJ, Soto Gomez M, Souza JL, Taura L, Taylor A, Vasco-Palacios AM, Vasques DT, Weigelt P, Wieczorkowski JD, Williams C. 2024. "The 2030 Declaration on Scientific Plant and Fungal Collecting" Plants, People, Planet 7(1): 11-22. doi:10.1002/ppp3.10569

State of the World’s Plants and Fungi, 2023 [Book]

Antonelli A, Fry C, Smith RJ, Eden J, Govaerts RHA, Kersey P, Nic Lughadha E, Onstein RE, Simmonds MSJ, Zizka A, Ackerman JD, Adams VM, Ainsworth AM, Albouy C, Allen AP, Allen SP, Allio R, Auld TD, Bachman SP, Baker WJ, Barrett RL, Beaulieu JM, Bellot S, Black N, Boehnisch G, Bogarín D, Boyko JD, Brown MJM, Budden A, Bureš P, Butt N, Cabral A, Cai L, Aguilar-Cano J, Chang Y, Charitonidou M, Chau JH, Cheek M, Chomicki G, Coiro M, Colli-Silva M, Condamine FL, Crayn DM, Cribb P, Cuervo-Robayo AP, Dahlberg A, Deklerck V, Denelle P, Dhanjal-Adams KL, Druzhinina I, Eiserhardt WL, Elliott TL, Enquist BJ, Escudero M, Espinosa-Ruiz S, Fay MF, Fernández M, Flanagan NS, Forest F, Fowler RM, Freiberg M, Gallagher RV, Gaya E, Gehrke B, Gelwick K, Grace OM, Granados Mendoza C, Grenié M, Groom QJ, Hackel J, Hagen ER, Hágsater E, Halley JM, Hu A-Q, Jaramillo C, Kattge J, Keith DA, Kirk P, Kissling WD, Knapp S, Kreft H, Kuhnhäuser BG, Larridon I, Leão TCC, Leitch IJ, Liimatainen K, Lim JY, Lucas E, Lücking R, Luján M, Luo A, Magallón S, Maitner B, Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S, Martins-Cunha K, Mashau AC, Mauad AV, Maurin O, Medina Lemos R, Merow C, Michelangeli FA, Mifsud JCO, Mikryukov V, Moat J, Monro AK, Muasya AM, Mueller GM, Muellner-Riehl AN, Nargar K, Negrão R, Nicolson N, Niskanen T, Oliveira Andrino C, Olmstead RG, Ondo I, Oses L, Parra-Sánchez E, Paton AJ, Pellicer J, Pellissier L, Pennington TD, Pérez-Escobar OA, Phillips C, Pironon S, Possingham H, Prance G, Przelomska NAS, Ramírez-Barahona SA, Renner SS, Rincon M, Rivers MC, Rojas Andrés BM, Romero-Soler KJ, Roque N, Rzedowski J, Sanmartín I, Santamaría-Aguilar D, Schellenberger Costa D, Serpell E, Seyfullah LJ, Shah T, Shen X, Silvestro D, Simpson DA, Šmarda P, Šmerda J, Smidt E, Smith SA, Solano-Gomez R, Sothers C, Soto Gomez M, Spalink D, Sperotto P, Sun M, Suz LM, Svenning JC, Taylor A, Tedersoo L, Tietje M, Trekels M, Tremblay RL, Turner R, Vasconcelos T, Veselý P, Villanueva BS, Villaverde T, Vorontsova MS, Walker BE, Wang Z, Watson M, Weigelt P, Wenk EH, Westrip JRS, Wilkinson T, Willett SD, Wilson KL, Winter M, Wirth C, Wölke FJR, Wright IJ, Zedek F, Zhigila DA, Zimmermann NE, Zuluaga A, Zuntini AR. 2023. "State of the World's Plants and Fungi, 2023: Tackling the Nature Emergency: Evidence, Gaps and Priorities" Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew pp. 96, London. doi:10.34885/WNWN-6S63

A new remarkable species of Scleria (Cyperaceae) from northern Madagascar

Larridon I, Bauters K, Rasaminirina F, Galán-Díaz J, Márquez-Corro JI, Gautier L. 2024. "A new remarkable species of Scleria (Cyperaceae) from northern Madagascar" Candollea 79: 107-116. doi:10.15553/c2024v791a6

Carex recondita Muñoz-Schüler, Martín-Bravo & Jim. Mejías (Carex section Junciformes Kük., Cyperaceae), a new sedge species from the Andes of central Chile

Muñoz-Schüler P, Morales-Alonso A, Márquez-Corro JI, Arroyo MTK, Martín-Bravo S, Jiménez-Mejías P. 2024. "Carex recondita Muñoz-Schüler, Martín-Bravo & Jim. Mejías (Carex section Junciformes Kük., Cyperaceae), a new sedge species from the Andes of central Chile" PhytoKeys 243: 15-30. doi:10.3897/phytokeys.243.115991

Global analysis of Poales diversification – parallel evolution in space and time into open and closed habitats

Elliott TL, Spalink D, Larridon I, Zuntini AR, Escudero M, Hackel J, Barrett RL, Martín-Bravo S, Márquez-Corro JI, Granados-Mendoza C, Mashau AC, Romero-Soler KJ, Zhigila DA, Gehrke B, Andrino CO, Crayn DM, Vorontsova MS, Forest F, Baker WJ, Wilson KL, Simpson DA, Muasya AM. 2024. "Global analysis of Poales diversification – parallel evolution in space and time into open and closed habitats" New Phytologist 242(2): 727-743. doi:10.1111/nph.19421


The genus Carex (Cyperaceae) in Chile: a general update of its knowledge, with an identification key

Muñoz-Schüler P, García-Moro P, Márquez-Corro JI, Penneckamp D, Sanz-Arnal M, Martín-Bravo S, Jiménez-Mejías P. 2023. "The genus Carex (Cyperaceae) in Chile: a general update of its knowledge, with an identification key" Gayana Botanica 80: 103-132. doi:10.4067/S0717-66432023000200103

Genome size of Chilean plants in IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 40.

Márquez-Corro JI, Muñoz-Schüler P, Penneckamp DN, García-Moro P, Sanz-Arnal M, Martín-Bravo S, Alarcón D, Mian S, Leitch IJ, Jiménez-Mejías P, Pellicer J. 2023. "IAPT chromosome data 40/7" in Marhold K & Kucera J (eds.), IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 40. Taxon 72(6): 1388-1389.

SEBOTA: un encuentro para conocer de cerca la diversidad de nuestra flora

Ramos-Gutiérrez I, Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Hernanz S. 2023. "SEBOTA: un encuentro para conocer de cerca la diversidad de nuestra flora" Conservación Vegetal 27: 50-51

The holocentric chromosome microevolution: from phylogeographic patterns to genomic associations with environmental gradients

Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S, Blanco-Pastor JL, Luceño M, Escudero M. 2023. "The holocentric chromosome microevolution: from phylogeographic patterns to genomic associations with environmental gradients" Molecular Ecology 33: e17156. doi:10.1111/mec.17156

Using ChromEvol to determine the mode of chromosomal evolution [Book chapter]

Escudero M, Maguilla E, Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S, Mayrose I, Shafir A, Tribble C, Zenil-Ferguson R. 2023. "Using ChromEvol to determine the mode of chromosomal evolution" Plant Cytogenetics and Cytogenomics. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2672 edited by Heitkam T and García S, New York, pp. 529–547. doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-3226-0_32

Guía de campo de las ciperáceas de España y Portugal [Book]

Luceño M, Sánchez-Villegas R, Quirós de la Peña B, Sánchez-Villegas M, Martín-Bravo S, Maguilla E, Escudero M, Benítez-Benítez C, Villaverde T, Jiménez-Mejías P, Márquez-Corro JI, Sanz-Arnal M, Míguez M. 2023. "Guía de campo de las ciperáceas de España y Portugal" Jolube Consultoría Ambiental pp. 598, Jaca. ISBN 978-84-126656-0-4

Addressing inconsistencies in Cyperaceae and Juncaceae taxonomy: Comment on Brožová et al. (2022)

Elliott TL, Larridon I, Barrett RL, Bruhl JJ, Costa SM, Escudero M, Hipp AL, Jiménez-Mejías P, Kirschner J, Luceño M, Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S, Roalson EH, Semmouri I, Spalink D, Thomas WW, Villaverde T, Wilson, KL, Muasya AM. 2023. "Addressing inconsistencies in Cyperaceae and Juncaceae taxonomy: Comment on Brožová et al. (2022)" Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 179: 107665. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2022.107665


Cyperaceae, sedges [Book chapter]

Larridon I, Spalink D, Jiménez-Mejías P, Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S, Muasya AM, Escudero M. 2022. "Cyperaceae, sedges" The New Natural History of Madagascar edited by Goodman SM, Princeton University Press, pp. 580-585. doi:10.2307/j.ctv2ks6tbb.70

Chromosome size matters: genome evolution in the cyperid clade

Elliott TL, Zedek F, Barrett RL, Bruhl JJ, Escudero M, Hroundová Z, Joly S, Larridon I, Luceño M, Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S, Muasya AM, Šmarda P, Thomas WW, Wilson KL, Bureš P. 2022. "Chromosome size matters: genome evolution in the cyperid clade" Annals of Botany 130: 999-1013. doi:10.1093/aob/mcac136


I Biomaratón de Flora Española: ciencia ciudadana para visibilizar la biodiversidad vegetal

Márquez-Corro JI, Jiménez-Mejías P, Fernández-Mazuecos M, Ramos-Gutiérrez I, Martín-Hernanz S, Martín-Bravo S, Alfaro-Saiz E, Blanco-Salas J, Borras J, Capó M, Carrera-Bonet D, De La Fuente Brun P, Fernandez-Lesaga A, Garnatje T, Gorriz-Huarte L, Molino S, Nualart N, Mairal M. 2021. "I Biomaratón de Flora Española: ciencia ciudadana para visibilizar la biodiversidad vegetal" Conservación Vegetal 25: 33-37

An integrative monograph of Carex section Schoenoxiphium (Cyperaceae)

Luceño M, Villaverde T, Márquez-Corro JI, Sánchez-Villegas R, Maguilla M, Escudero M, Jiménez-Mejías P, Sánchez-Villegas M, Míguez M, Benítez-Benítez C, Muasya AM, Martín-Bravo S. 2021. "An integrative monograph of Carex section Schoenoxiphium (Cyperaceae)" PeerJ 9: e11336. doi:10.7717/peerj.11336

A synopsis of the androgynous species of Carex subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae) in South America

Jiménez-Mejías P, Martín-Bravo S, Márquez-Corro JI, Donadío S, Roalson EH, Naczi R. 2021. "A synopsis of the androgynous species of Carex subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae) in South America" Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 196(2): 188-220. doi:10.1093/botlinnean/boaa100

A framework infrageneric classification of Carex (Cyperaceae) and its organizing principles

Roalson EH, Jiménez-Mejías P, Hipp AL, Benítez-Benítez C, Bruederle LP, Chung K-S, Escudero M, Ford BA, Ford K, Gebauer S, Gehrke B, Hahn M, Hayat MQ, Hoffmann MH, Jin X-F, Kim S, Larridon I, Léveillé-Bourret É, Lu Y-F, Luceño M, Maguilla E, Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S, Masaki T, Míguez M, Naczi RFC, Reznicek AA, Spalink D, Starr JR, Uzma, Villaverde T, Waterway MJ, Wilson KL, Zhang S. 2021. " A framework infrageneric classification of Carex (Cyperaceae) and its organizing principles" Journal of Systematics and Evolution 59(4): 726-762. doi:10.1111/jse.12722

Macroevolutionary insights in sedges (Carex: Cyperaceae): The effects of rapid chromosome number evolution on lineage diversification

Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S, Jiménez-Mejías P, Hipp AL, Spalink D, Naczi RFC, Roalson EH, Luceño M, Escudero M. 2021. "Macroevolutionary insights in sedges (Carex: Cyperaceae): The effects of rapid chromosome number evolution on lineage diversification" Journal of Systematic and Evolution 59(4): 776-790. doi:10.1111/jse.12730

A new classification of Cyperaceae (Poales) supported by phylogenomic data

Larridon I, Zuntini A, Léveillé-Bourret É, Barrett RL, Starr JR, Muasya MA, Villaverde T, Bauters K, Brewer G, Bruhl J, Costa S, Elliott T, Epitawalage N, Escudero M, Fairlie I, Goetghebeur P, Hipp AL, Jiménez-Mejías P, Kikuchi IS, Luceño M, Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S, Maurin O, Pokorny L, Roalson EH, Semmouri I, Simpson D, Spalink D,Thomas W, Wilson KL, Xanthos M, Forest F, Baker W. 2021. "A new classification of Cyperaceae (Poales) supported by phylogenomic data" Journal of Systematic and Evolution 59(4): 852-895. doi:10.1111/jse.12757

The evolutionary history of sedges (Cyperaceae) in Madagascar

Larridon I, Spalink D, Jiménez-Mejías P, Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S, Muasya AM, Escudero M. 2021. "The evolutionary history of sedges (Cyperaceae) in Madagascar" Journal of Biogeography 48(4): 917-932. doi:10.1111/jbi.14048


Novedades corológicas para la flora vascular de la sierra de Gredos (Sistema Central, España)

Sánchez-Villegas R, Sánchez-Villegas M, Robles Fernández JL, Sánchez Benz C, Sánchez Benz L, Martín-García B, Román Hernández R, Valduciel García MÁ, Márquez-Corro JI, Rico Jiménez JC, Estévez Rodríguez LF, Sánchez-Amador E, De Sande Velicia FJ; Marín Martín P; Rico E, Luceño M. 2020. "Novedades corológicas para la flora vascular de la sierra de Gredos (Sistema Central, España)" Flora Montiberica 75: 101-110.

The systematic position of the enigmatic rare South African endemic Carex acocksii: Its relevance on the biogeography and evolution of Carex sect. Schoenoxiphium (Cyperaceae)

Márquez-Corro JI, Jiménez-Mejías P, Helme NA, Luceño M, Martín-Bravo S. 2020. "The systematic position of the enigmatic rare South African endemic Carex acocksii: Its relevance on the biogeography and evolution of Carex sect. Schoenoxiphium (Cyperaceae)" South African Journal of Botany 131: 475-483. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2020.03.027

Carex acocksii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020

Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S. 2020. "Carex acocksii" The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T163344043A167071571. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-2.RLTS.T163344043A167071571.en


A tale of worldwide success: Behind the scenes of Carex (Cyperaceae) biogeography and diversification

Martín-Bravo S, Jiménez-Mejías P, Villaverde T, Escudero M, Hahn M, Spalink D, Roalson EH, Hipp AL, Benítez-Benítez B, Bruederle LP, Fitzek E, Ford BA, Ford KA, Garner M, Gebauer S, Hoffmann MA, Xiao-Feng J, Larridon I, Léveillé-Bourret É, Lu Y-F, Luceño M, Maguilla E, Márquez-Corro JI, Míguez M, Naczi R, Reznicek AA, Starr JR. 2019. "A tale of worldwide success: Behind the scenes of Carex (Cyperaceae) biogeography and diversification" Journal of Systematics and Evolution 57(6): 695-718. doi:10.1111/jse.12549

Karyotype evolution in holocentric organisms [Review]

Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S, Pedrosa-Harand A, Hipp AL, Luceño M, Escudero M. 2019. "Karyotype evolution in holocentric organisms" eLS pp. 1-7. doi:10.1002/9780470015902.a0028758

Inferring hypothesis-based transitions in clade-specific models of chromosome number evolution in sedges (Cyperaceae)

Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S, Spalink D, Luceño M, Escudero M. 2019. "Inferring hypothesis-based transitions in clade-specific models of chromosome number evolution in sedges (Cyperaceae)" Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 135(4): 203-209. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2019.03.006

Plantas silvestres y ornamentales del campus de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide [Book]

Luceño M, Martín-Bravo S, Sánchez-Villegas R, Escudero M, Sánchez-Villegas M, Márquez-Corro JI, Pulgar Sañudo I. 2019. "Plantas silvestres y ornamentales del campus de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide" Fundación Universidad Pablo de Olavide pp. 448, Sevilla. ISBN 978-84-949948-0-7


Cyperaceae chromosome numbers reports in IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 28.

Márquez-Corro JI*, Luceño M*, Jiménez-Mejías P, Escudero M, Martín-Bravo S, Hipp AL, Chung K-S, Muasya AM, Rothrock PE, Weber JE, Naczi R. 2018. "Cyperaceae" in Marhold K & Kucera J (eds.), IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 28. Taxon 67(6): 1240-1242.

Do holocentric chromosomes represent an evolutionary advantage?

Márquez-Corro JI, Escudero M, Luceño M. 2018. "Do holocentric chromosomes represent an evolutionary advantage? A study of paired analyses of diversification rates of lineages with holocentric chromosomes and their monocentric closest relatives" Chromosome Research 26(3): 139-152. doi:10.1007/s10577-017-9566-8


Present and future of ecological and evolutionary research in Mediterranean-type ecosystems: Conclusions from the last International Mediterranean Ecosystems Conference

The XIV MEDECOS and XIII AEET Consortium. 2017. "Present and future of ecological and evolutionary research in Mediterranean-type ecosystems: Conclusions from the last International Mediterranean Ecosystems Conference" American Journal of Botany 104(12): 1777-1782. doi:10.3732/ajb.1700367

Novedades para la brioflora de la Sierra de Gredos (Sistema Central, España), con especial énfasis en la comunidad de Extremadura

Luceño M, Márquez-Corro JI, Guerra-Cárdenas S, Sánvhez-Villegas R, Jurado-Castillo I, Rodríguez-Velasco E, Rodríguez-Escobar JC, Sánchez-Villegas M, Cerrejón C, Estévez-Rodríguez F, Muñoz J. 2017. "Novedades para la brioflora de la Sierra de Gredos (Sistema Central, España), con especial énfasis en la comunidad de Extremadura" Acta Botanica Malacitana 42(2): 195-202. doi:10.24310/abm.v42i2.3366

A contribution to the knowledge of bryophytes from Sierra de Gredos (Central Spain) including a reevaluation of their national conservation status

Luceño M, Guerra-Cárdenas S, Márquez-Corro JI, Pineda-Labella V, Martín-Bravo S, Infante M, Muñoz J. 2017. "A contribution to the knowledge of bryophytes from Sierra de Gredos (Central Spain) including a reevaluation of their national conservation status" Cryptogamie, Bryologie 38(3): 281-302. doi:10.7872/cryb/v38.iss3.2017.281

New insights into the systematics of the Schoenoxiphium clade (Carex, Cyperaceae)

Villaverde T, Maguilla E, Escudero M, Márquez-Corro JI, Jiménez-Mejías P, Gehrke B, Martín-Bravo S, Luceño M. 2017. "New insights into the systematics of the Schoenoxiphium clade (Carex, Cyperaceae)" International Journal of Plant Sciences 178(4): 320-329. doi:10.1086/691144

Long-distance dispersal explains the bipolar disjunction in Carex macloviana

Márquez-Corro JI, Escudero M, Martín-Bravo S, Villaverde T, Luceño M. 2017. "Long-distance dispersal explains the bipolar disjunction in Carex macloviana" American Journal of Botany 104(5): 663-673. doi:10.3732/ajb.1700012

Two new species in Carex sect. Schoenoxiphium (Cyperaceae) from Southern Africa

Márquez-Corro JI, Maguilla E, Villaverde T, Martín-Bravo S, Luceño M. 2017. "Two new species in Carex sect. Schoenoxiphium (Cyperaceae) from Southern Africa" Phytotaxa 303(1): 320-329. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.303.1.2


Novedades para la brioflora de la Sierra de Gredos (Sistema Central, España)

Luceño M, Cerrejón C, Guerra-Cárdenas S, Márquez-Corro JI, Pineda-Labella V, Infante M, Muñoz J. 2016. "Novedades para la brioflora de la Sierra de Gredos (Sistema Central, España)" Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología 46-47: 43-68.

The phylogenetic origins and evolutionary history of holocentric chromosomes

Escudero M, Márquez-Corro JI, Hipp AL. 2016. "The phylogenetic origins and evolutionary history of holocentric chromosomes" Systematic Botany 41(3): 580-585. doi:10.1600/036364416X692442

* Equal authorship